November 04, 2007

The PeePs...

These are fall pictures taken outside in Mimi's front yard of the Christensen cousins!
From right to left....Ty, Bella, Cole, Addie, Tally and Prici.
They all posed and played in the leaves at their Grandma and Grandpa's House!
I think they are some pretty cute kids...

Out of many pictures taken, not a single shot
captured every child's attention!
It was actually a tremendous feat just getting
them to all sit together in one spot for a try!

These are the little ones who were missing from the pictures!
Little Chanel is so bright eyed and so beautiful!
She makes me want a baby girl like never before...


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bunch of children and a beautiful yard. I love your site and I especially love your site name "Our Book of Life." So cute. Stay in touch!

l said...

I ALWAYS wanted a boy. But when I came home from my deployment to Bethany and our daughter Kelby I was ecstatic. I wouldn't trade her for the world. Now I wouldn't mind having that boy.

trinabelle said...

Wow... you have had sooo many fun fall adventures this month! Thanks again for including us in them. Zada keeps begging to play every time we pass your house. She thinks it's a party everyday (which knowing you, it probably is :) We love you guys. We need to play soon.

Kari said...

Your family is so adorable! We have those little sleepy head jammies too!! We love you guys. Where are the Halloween pics? I'm dying to see your cute boys all dressed up!

Alysha said...

That is an amazing feat! We tried getting pictures with all of our nieces and nephews-the whole shoot lasted about two minutes and we just had to pick from the pictures taken. So fun to look at all of your cute family though! :)

Broadbent Family said...

Your blog is so cute!! I love it. Your family is darling!! Hey, we wanted to send you Cooper's announcement and need your address. Could you just send me over an email with it? Our email is: Thanks!!

Tate Family said...

Hello Katie...
i would love to get our kiddos together!!! That would be a lot of fun...any days that are good for you? Mornings or evenings? Yes, I know, pathetci...I hadn't linked you either...but you are now!

The Christensen Family said...

Valiant effort! Is it ever going to get easier with so many munchikins? These are still darling and capture so much of the chaos that is just normal life! I love that our kids are growing up so close...

becky said...

hey you! i have your book for the book club! call me and i can get it to you somehow!

Trish said...

Missed you at book club! I love pictures of the kids in chaos...keeps it real! xoxo

tiff and chris johnson said...

so I thought about you two the other day... mom told me that you went out of town with steve because you guys didn't want to be separated from each other! Chris and I are the same way!! It made me so grateful for you.. you are such a perfect example of who I want to be. Mom and I were smiling just thinking of how you guys are really going to be newlyweds for the rest of your lives and it gave me so much to look forward to! It really can be that way when you want it to be! THanks for helping me see that all my dreams can come true! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Steve and Katie,
Sad....Blake and Chanel didn't make the funny though, just hanging out on the ground while Blake is just crawling circles around her! The pics you posted are so cute of the boys...we're so impressed with your blogging skills...that page of the polaroids was a classic! Hope all is well.

Love you guys.